Website Survey Header
Principals bicycling students around school
Entries for present drawing piled in box
Madill Scoop
Scott Sargent stands with two students for a photo
Second Grade JFK class get group photo with Jack O Lantern in jar
JFK: Journal For Kids (Debut Issue!)
Madill Scoop Header
Promotional Flyer for Cinderella Musical
JFK Teacher Judy Green presents math problem to students.
U.S. News & World Report Best High Schools
OCSD Employee Recognition
SRO Spotlight: Patrolman Daniel Hollister
SRO Spotlight: Ryan Polniak
SRO Ashley Streeter spending time with students on playground.
OCSD Retirees honored by BOE - L to R: Mr. Ron Johnson (BOE President), Mr. Kevin Ross (Chemistry - 27 Years), Mrs. Juliette Ross (Mathematics - 27 Years), Mrs. Renee Tebo (Elementary Teacher - 33 Years), Mrs. Sarah Rothwell (Special Education 19 Years), Mrs. Sue Ellen Piercey (Reading Teacher - 24 Years), Mr. Chris McRoberts (Social Studies - 33 Years), Kevin Kendall, Superintendent of Schools
Award Recipients from the  Dusen
Madill Scoop
OFA Lacrosse 2024 Class C Section X Champions